Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Thinking it through...

Well, it's been a while since my last blog. I have been extremely busy, but also, at a loss for w while now, of things to blog about. Recently I have been inspired, and hope to be blogging more in the recent future.

Several months ago, I stumbled across a blog called 'Stuff Christian Culture Likes' and it intrigued me. I have been by several times, and I have to say, most of the posts are fairly spot on, and some are humorous as well. All in all, it is one of my favorite blogs to visit, if for nothing else, just to see what's next. The latest post however didn't sit quite as well with me. Because I don't want you to hear my opinion without being able to form your own, you can read the most recent post here.

Now, there was nothing major that upset me, but I felt like more than in other posts, Christianity or Christian culture took a bit of an unfair beating and I would just like to express a few thoughts that I had. I would like to preface my thoughts by saying that I in no way feel that my opinion is flawless or without fault, it is however my opinion and I have spent some significant minutes formulating it through reading, research and thought. I would also like to say that I enjoy this particular blog and hold nothing against the author whatsoever. These are just thoughts, and I am as open to hearing yours as I hope you will be to hearing mine. Now, assuming you clicked the link above and read the post, I will continue.

The main thing I would like to express an issue with is the comment towards the beginning that says, By and large, people in Christian culture also support the war in Iraq. The considerable loss of innocent life during war doesn't seem to strike them as any sort of inconsistency. The inconsistency being referred to is that of being anti-abortion, but being pro-war. The inference here is that by being anti-abortion, you are against “meaningless death” and if you are pro-war, you are somehow in support of meaningless death. There are many holes in this logic, some of which are obvious, and others that are no, but all of which I believe can be pointed out and shown to be just that. I am around Christians every day. I have liberal Christian friends as well as conservative Christian friends, and I love them all. I can honestly say, that I have never heard a single one say that they feel ‘OK’ about the death and tragedy that war brings. I also don’t know many that would actually say they are pro-war. Some may say they agreed with the reasoning behind the war, and personally, I would argue that point with them. Some would say they are pro-America, and if protecting our nation means we must go to war, then so be it. Again, I don’t know any that would say they are OK with the windfall that war inevitably brings and to say otherwise, I feel is a wrong judgment and gives and unfair slant to the entire post.

Stephanie is correct in saying that neither abortion nor war are very palatable topics. I also feel like ‘Christian culture’ could do a lot better at engaging those that have differing opinions from their own. The thing about Jesus is that He engaged everyone. He engaged the beggar, the blind man, the Pharisees, the lepers, the thieves, the drinkers, the fornicators, the prostitutes, and so on. Jesus engaged each one and their life was never the same after their encounter with Him. Jesus never once approved of wrong or sinful behavior, but He never once rejected a person no matter how sinful they were. This is how we need to be. We will always have differing opinions on things such as war and abortion, but it is imperative that we learn to listen and love one another and seek truth above all else.

There is so much more I could say, but I feel as though my thoughts are scattered enough that I will stop here. I would love to hear your thoughts…

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Link Love Tuesday!

This week's love goes out to a new acquaintance. Adeana is a friend of my step sister, and we have recently had a chance to communicate via, facebook and blogging. Her blog is called Five's a crowd. She is honest, real, and genuine. Drop on by and let her know I sent you.

Now, go get your blog on!

Monday, July 13, 2009

How do you really feel?

I saw the following on a friends facebook status the other day.

"Want to see a Christian run real fast? - Tell him how you really feel."

Initially, I laughed out loud. After the laughter, I began thinking about this and the reality of it in our current culture. I grew up in the church, and whenver you asked someone how they were doing, you would get one of any number of pre-cooked Christian responses. Here are a few of my favorite responses to the question, "how are you?"

"I'm blessed, and you?"

"I'm blessed and no less"

"I am blessed beyond the curse brother"

"I am blood bought and spirit filled"

Now, reading some of these, the natural response is laughter, but I think over time, we have become comfortable with giving the response that we think someone wants to hear, rather than just being honest. I think this has also affected how others view Chrstians as well. As Christians, we want everyone to open up, tell us their problems, confess, repent, etc. while we remain unwilling to deal honestly with our own stuff. The truth is, that as a follower of Christ, I don't always feel great. Yes, I believe in and try to walk in Christ's promises for me as revealed through scripture, but the reality is that there are days that I don't feel great. Sometime I get in arguments with my wife, sometimes I get to easily annoyed with my kids, sometimes i am depressed, worried, anxious, fearful, etc.

I love the opportunity to tell people I am doing great, but I think people need truth and honesty. I don't need anyone to feel sorry for me, but I do need them to know what is real. This kind of honesty gives people hope. It lets them know that even "Christians" experience the same struggles that they do. I can't even count the number of opportunities I have had to share Christ with someone, simply because I was honest and vulnerable. This is what people need. Real life, real honesty, real love, real Jesus.

So, the next time someone asks you how you're doing, just look them in the eye and say...

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Stats Suck Sunday

It's been a while since I've done a Stats Suck post, so here it is in bullet points. If you don't know why, then let Brody explain it to you.

  • The 4th was awesome this year. Not only is it awesome for all the historical and patriotic reasons, but it's also the day my wife was born, which raises the awesome bar to a whole new level.
  • Both my boys had random fevers this week with no other symptoms. Weird!
  • I have fallen in love again with potato salad. It makes me happy.
  • on June 28th, I began a lifestyle change revolving around eating and exercise. I just really want to eat better, exercise more, and be around as long as I can and be healthy. No fancy plan or diet. I count calories, watch what I eat, exercise, and that's pretty much it.
  • Since June 28th, I have lost 6 pounds and lowered my body fat by 2 percent. Not a bad start eh?
  • I have mixed emotions about the Lakers signing Ron Artest to a contract.
  • I want to start playing my guitar more and writing songs again.
  • I never really paid attention to how many calories are in beer. This makes me sad!
Have great week!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Thursday Top 10!

Top 10 beverages! ( I admit that some of these maybe shouldn't be on the list, but I am working on that.)

1. Coffee
2. Water
3. Pepsi
4. Heineken
5. Tea
6. Double Barrel
7. J. Lohr Cabernet
8. Jamesons
9. Root Beer
10. Orange Juice

Tell me yours, then go get your beverage on!