Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Setting The Record Straight...

Some of you may remember this post. If not, feel free to check it out. Anyways, it appears that maybe there is a feeling from some people that this was a personal attack per se on the author of the blog in question, Stuff Christian Culture Likes.

I want to set the record straight. I like this blog and I like the author. This does not mean that I agree with or like everything that is written, and I am sure many people say the same about my blog. The reality is that I enjoy disagreeing sometimes, I enjoy dialogue, and I enjoy conversation. Please don't ever take any thought or opinion of mine so seriously that it upsets you. That is not my intent...ever! I you want to disagree with me on a position of mine, GREAT. I will probably disagree right back. If you are rude, I will most likely ignore you.

Communication is the key to understanding one another. Now, go get your Christian Culture on.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Top 10 worship albums of all time...in no particular order!

2. Delirious: King Of Fools
3. Sean Feuct: The Seattle Sessions
4. Matt Redman: Facedown
5. Jason Upton: Faith
6. Delirious: The Cutting Edge
7. Brian and Jenn Johnson: We Believe
8. Kevin Prosch: Come To The Light
9. Kevin prosch: Journeys Of Life
10. Charlie Hall: On The Road To Beautiful

P.S. - Travis, I fully expect a comment and assesment from you, and possible even a quick list from you in return. DO NOT LET ME DOWN!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Link Love Tuesday

This weeks love goes out to, Jesusclaimed.org. This website is devoted to making clear the true claims of Christ in an easy to follow format. As long as we live, there will always be questions, and this website does well to try and bring clarity to an often confusing subject. Check it out!

Sunday, August 9, 2009


Take the time to check this out. Christian or not, Bono has some great stuff to say on the topic of loving people, specifically those entrenched in the Aids epidemic.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Thursday Top 10!

Back by poular demand. Today's top ten list is...Food!

1. Mexican
2. Italian
3. Chinese
4. Tacos
5. Sylvester's Burgers
6. Black Forest Cake
7. Cheesecake
8. Pancakes
9. Thai
10. Ice Cream

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A bit of history...

Lately I have been reading this book. It's basically a complete history of every U.S. president that we have ever had. It give a complete overview of each administration, their beliefs, effectiveness in office, what they accomplished, both good and bad, and assesses the mark they made in the history of our nation.

What has impressed me the most as I have been reading through this book, is the vast difference between the men that founded our Country, our first presidents and the state of our nation in the fairly recent past. I am not referring to any religious beliefs, but it seems that there was a sense of patriotism, a sense that the wars fought to provide our freedoms would never fully be over and thus, a true appreciation for the significance of America.

That appreciation seems to be lost on our culture today, and I speak for myself as much or more than anyone else. Reading this book and I am sure others just like it or even better, is a good way to reattach and stay in touch with the significance of our Country and why every position, policy, bill, and every letter of our constitution is so important to where we came from, who we are and who we hope to become as a nation. I highly reccomend reading this or some similar book and staying in touch with the history of our nation. I know it's been mind blowing for me.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Thinking it through...

Well, it's been a while since my last blog. I have been extremely busy, but also, at a loss for w while now, of things to blog about. Recently I have been inspired, and hope to be blogging more in the recent future.

Several months ago, I stumbled across a blog called 'Stuff Christian Culture Likes' and it intrigued me. I have been by several times, and I have to say, most of the posts are fairly spot on, and some are humorous as well. All in all, it is one of my favorite blogs to visit, if for nothing else, just to see what's next. The latest post however didn't sit quite as well with me. Because I don't want you to hear my opinion without being able to form your own, you can read the most recent post here.

Now, there was nothing major that upset me, but I felt like more than in other posts, Christianity or Christian culture took a bit of an unfair beating and I would just like to express a few thoughts that I had. I would like to preface my thoughts by saying that I in no way feel that my opinion is flawless or without fault, it is however my opinion and I have spent some significant minutes formulating it through reading, research and thought. I would also like to say that I enjoy this particular blog and hold nothing against the author whatsoever. These are just thoughts, and I am as open to hearing yours as I hope you will be to hearing mine. Now, assuming you clicked the link above and read the post, I will continue.

The main thing I would like to express an issue with is the comment towards the beginning that says, By and large, people in Christian culture also support the war in Iraq. The considerable loss of innocent life during war doesn't seem to strike them as any sort of inconsistency. The inconsistency being referred to is that of being anti-abortion, but being pro-war. The inference here is that by being anti-abortion, you are against “meaningless death” and if you are pro-war, you are somehow in support of meaningless death. There are many holes in this logic, some of which are obvious, and others that are no, but all of which I believe can be pointed out and shown to be just that. I am around Christians every day. I have liberal Christian friends as well as conservative Christian friends, and I love them all. I can honestly say, that I have never heard a single one say that they feel ‘OK’ about the death and tragedy that war brings. I also don’t know many that would actually say they are pro-war. Some may say they agreed with the reasoning behind the war, and personally, I would argue that point with them. Some would say they are pro-America, and if protecting our nation means we must go to war, then so be it. Again, I don’t know any that would say they are OK with the windfall that war inevitably brings and to say otherwise, I feel is a wrong judgment and gives and unfair slant to the entire post.

Stephanie is correct in saying that neither abortion nor war are very palatable topics. I also feel like ‘Christian culture’ could do a lot better at engaging those that have differing opinions from their own. The thing about Jesus is that He engaged everyone. He engaged the beggar, the blind man, the Pharisees, the lepers, the thieves, the drinkers, the fornicators, the prostitutes, and so on. Jesus engaged each one and their life was never the same after their encounter with Him. Jesus never once approved of wrong or sinful behavior, but He never once rejected a person no matter how sinful they were. This is how we need to be. We will always have differing opinions on things such as war and abortion, but it is imperative that we learn to listen and love one another and seek truth above all else.

There is so much more I could say, but I feel as though my thoughts are scattered enough that I will stop here. I would love to hear your thoughts…

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Link Love Tuesday!

This week's love goes out to a new acquaintance. Adeana is a friend of my step sister, and we have recently had a chance to communicate via, facebook and blogging. Her blog is called Five's a crowd. She is honest, real, and genuine. Drop on by and let her know I sent you.

Now, go get your blog on!

Monday, July 13, 2009

How do you really feel?

I saw the following on a friends facebook status the other day.

"Want to see a Christian run real fast? - Tell him how you really feel."

Initially, I laughed out loud. After the laughter, I began thinking about this and the reality of it in our current culture. I grew up in the church, and whenver you asked someone how they were doing, you would get one of any number of pre-cooked Christian responses. Here are a few of my favorite responses to the question, "how are you?"

"I'm blessed, and you?"

"I'm blessed and no less"

"I am blessed beyond the curse brother"

"I am blood bought and spirit filled"

Now, reading some of these, the natural response is laughter, but I think over time, we have become comfortable with giving the response that we think someone wants to hear, rather than just being honest. I think this has also affected how others view Chrstians as well. As Christians, we want everyone to open up, tell us their problems, confess, repent, etc. while we remain unwilling to deal honestly with our own stuff. The truth is, that as a follower of Christ, I don't always feel great. Yes, I believe in and try to walk in Christ's promises for me as revealed through scripture, but the reality is that there are days that I don't feel great. Sometime I get in arguments with my wife, sometimes I get to easily annoyed with my kids, sometimes i am depressed, worried, anxious, fearful, etc.

I love the opportunity to tell people I am doing great, but I think people need truth and honesty. I don't need anyone to feel sorry for me, but I do need them to know what is real. This kind of honesty gives people hope. It lets them know that even "Christians" experience the same struggles that they do. I can't even count the number of opportunities I have had to share Christ with someone, simply because I was honest and vulnerable. This is what people need. Real life, real honesty, real love, real Jesus.

So, the next time someone asks you how you're doing, just look them in the eye and say...

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Stats Suck Sunday

It's been a while since I've done a Stats Suck post, so here it is in bullet points. If you don't know why, then let Brody explain it to you.

  • The 4th was awesome this year. Not only is it awesome for all the historical and patriotic reasons, but it's also the day my wife was born, which raises the awesome bar to a whole new level.
  • Both my boys had random fevers this week with no other symptoms. Weird!
  • I have fallen in love again with potato salad. It makes me happy.
  • on June 28th, I began a lifestyle change revolving around eating and exercise. I just really want to eat better, exercise more, and be around as long as I can and be healthy. No fancy plan or diet. I count calories, watch what I eat, exercise, and that's pretty much it.
  • Since June 28th, I have lost 6 pounds and lowered my body fat by 2 percent. Not a bad start eh?
  • I have mixed emotions about the Lakers signing Ron Artest to a contract.
  • I want to start playing my guitar more and writing songs again.
  • I never really paid attention to how many calories are in beer. This makes me sad!
Have great week!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Thursday Top 10!

Top 10 beverages! ( I admit that some of these maybe shouldn't be on the list, but I am working on that.)

1. Coffee
2. Water
3. Pepsi
4. Heineken
5. Tea
6. Double Barrel
7. J. Lohr Cabernet
8. Jamesons
9. Root Beer
10. Orange Juice

Tell me yours, then go get your beverage on!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Jesus with skin on!

Saw this on a friends blog today, and was super encouraged by it. Please take the time to watch it and share your thoughts!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Because it makes sense!

Up until several months ago, I had never heard of Tim Keller. I am not even sure now how I stumbled upon him, but it turns out, that he is the pastor of a large church in New York City. The first couple of things I read from him, reall resonated with, me, and the more I read, the more I am enjoying. For anybody that has questions about God and Christianity and wants real answers, and not just something that will agree with their displeasures, I would suggest checking out this book. Time Keller just has a way of stating things in such a simple a clear way, that it just makes sense.

I have been think a lot lately about what God requires of me in this life, and how I can best live and love the way Jesus did. Sometimes, i think we Christians make it too hard. Jesus just did what He saw the Father doing and we are called to do the same. When I think about it in a practical sense, it makes perfect sense. Jesus loved his Father, loved people, challenged religious leaders, turned over a few tables, drank wine, discipled the future leaders of the church, taught, confronted sin, and the amazing thing is that He ALWAYS did it with love. ALWAYS! Think about this. Jesus, meets a prostitute at a well, and although He confronts her sin and challenges her to change, she leaves feeling more loved than she ever has in her life. This is what is missing, and it just makes sense, doesn't it?

"The Christian gospel is that I am so flawed that Jesus had to die for me, yet I am so loved and valued that Jesus was glad to die for me. This leads to deep humility and deep confidence at the same time. It undermines both swaggering and sniveling. I cannot feel superior to anyone, and yet I have nothing to prove to anyone. I do not think more of myself nor less of myself. Instead, I think of myself less and others more.” -Tim Keller

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Motorcycle Mishap!

Since I can remember, I have wanted to ride a motorcycle. I am a fairly safe person. Not prone to danger or much risk taking, but the motorcycle has called my name as long as I can remember. Most think I am crazy, but my wife, being the insightful person that she is, knew that this was something I needed to try and she wanted me to know that I would have her blessing, as long as I took every opportunity to be as safe as possible. Well, a while back, I received as a gift from a friend, a certificate for the Central Coast Motorcycle Safety class. Cheryl surprised me for Father's Day by registering me for this class and arranging for me to be off work to take it.

The classroom portion was last Tuesday, and i passed that with flying colors. The bike training was this weekend and was a slightly different story. I caught on pretty quick, but remember, I am 32 years old and have NEVER been on a bike before. Most others in the class had several years of riding experience and were just taking the class to get the insurance credit. Well, I felt a bit rushed, and didn't have the time I needed to get really comfortable on the bike. Long story short, I made a critical mistake and could not control the effects of said mistake. The result was a minor crash that had be dragged across the parking lot for about 8 feet.

Well, the time that I actually did ride, I really enjoyed. The crash, not so much. It sure has given me a lot to think about. My pride really wants me to try again, and I just might. My practical brain is definitely wondering if the risk is worth it. As always, I love hearing your opinion. Until then, enjoy the aftermath.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Thursday Top Ten!

Last 10 books I have read (no particular order):
  1. 1776
  2. Blue Like Jazz
  3. Traveling Mercies
  4. Absolute Surrender
  5. Prayer: The Only Necessary Thing
  6. The Shack
  7. The Heavenly Man
  8. The Audacity of Hope
  9. To Own A Dragon: Reflections On Growing Up Without A Father
  10. Through Painted Deserts
10 Books that I would like to read before the end of the year:
  1. When Heaven invades Earth
  2. Good Morning Holy Spirit
  3. Liberty and Tyranny
  4. Finally Alive
  5. When I Don't Desire God: How To Fight For Joy
  6. Beyond Opinion: Living The Faith We Defend
  7. Jesus Among Other Gods
  8. What Bothers Me Most About Christianity: Honest Reflections Of An Open-Minded Christ Follower
  9. Pagan Christianity: Exploring The Roots Of Our Church Practices
  10. The Emperor Has No Clothes
What are you reading? What do you want to read? Tell me, I want to know!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Link Love Tuesday

This week's love goes out to my step sister Tara. She just started this blog, and I do enjoy reading what she writes. Check it out when you get a chance!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Stats Suck Sunday

Well...if you don't know how this works, check it out here. This is random, pointless bullet points that not that many people will read because it’s Sunday. Here it goes...

  • it is 5:57 and I have not looked at the score for game 5 of the Lakers series versus Orlando. I am recording it and making the ultimate sacrifice for my buddy Sammy, by waiting for him to get off work to watch it.
  • Go Lakers!
  • My coffee jingles on facebook have really caught on. Check them out every morning, on http://www.facebook.com/will.mccabe
  • I love coffee now more than ever, and my fondness will not decrease
  • Spent the weekend with my mom and sister and niece staying in mine and Cheryl's bedroom so that we could have yet another birthday party weekend for Aidan.
  • The weekend previous, we got a bounce house for Aidan's first, fourth birthday party. Wow!
  • Monday starts a 10 week program of exercise and eating changes that will hopefully result in the loss of 30 pounds in about 10 weeks. Go me!
  • I do not like cats
  • I am discovering the fact that my body really does enjoy water more than soda. What?
Enjoy what's left of your Sunday!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Thursday Top Ten!


1. Lord Of The Rings: Return of the King
2. Lord Of The Rings: Fellowship Of The Ring
3. Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers
4. 50 First Dates
5. The Matrix: Revolutions
6. The Princess Bride
7. X-Men (all of them)
8. The Score
9. Hitch
10. Save The Last Dance

Don't judge me, just tell me yours...

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Link Love Tuesday!

This weeks love goes to Bryan Stupar.  He's a pastor, he loves Jesus, he's honest, he's in your face, and has an authentic love that really isn't hard to pick up on.  Check it out!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

let your light shine...

"Preach the gospel. And if necessary, use words." - St. Francis of Assisi

So, what if that verse in Matthew chapter 5, went a little different?
"In the same way, let your words speak before all men, that they may hear your condemnation and then glorify your Father who is in heaven."

Wouldn't really have the same impact would it? In fact it would be a disaster. Sometimes, I think that is how we as followers of Jesus (the Church) try to shine our lights. With our words. Let me just say this right now, that does not and will not work. Yes, we are called to preach the gospel, but that doesn't necessarily mean we have to talk. Sure there is a time for talking, but those times in my opinion are few and far between. Our light needs to be real love, real humility, real grace, real truth, real forgiveness, real family unity, and not just lip service and judgement.

When I think about it, it really doesn't surprise me any more that the church has become a joke. We condemn homosexuals, and then get found out to be one. We condemn abortion, but we kill in order to put an end to it. We cry foul when the government wants to take the ten commandments out of schools and courts, yet we lie, cheat, steal, commit adultery in our hearts, and never even blink an eye. Our inconsistency is wearisome to those on the outside looking in, and for my part, I have grown weary of this inconsistency in myself as well.

It makes no sense to me to talk about the gospel of Jesus Christ unless I am living it, and if I am truly living it, I have no time to talk. This is the greatest form of preaching we can do. May this be increasingly true of me.

"Here's another way to put it: You're here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We're going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. If I make you light-bearers, you don't think I'm going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I'm putting you on a light stand. Now that I've put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you'll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven." Matthew 5:14-16 The Message

Friday, June 5, 2009

Two hookers, a few fisherman, and a tax collector...

What do the above have in comon?  Well, they are the ones that Jesus entrusted the gospel message to.  The foundation of the early church.  And now, the ball bounces with us.

Who says God doesn't have a sense of humor?

Thursday, June 4, 2009


The title is pretty self explanatory.  Here are the top ten played songs on my ipod right now.  
  1. Greatly To Be Praised - Brian and Jenn Johnson
  2. God Of This City - Chris Tomlin
  3. The Maker - Willie Nelson
  4. Hot N Cold - Katy Perry (Don't knock if you haven't tried it)
  5. Always On My Mind - Willie Nelson
  6. Love Or Gain - Lakes
  7. Resonate - Imago Dei
  8. Forgive and Forget - Street Choir
  9. Heartless  - Kris Allen's version of the Kanye song
  10. Goodbye, Apathy - OneRepublic
What are your top 10 songs this week.....PLEASE tell me, I really wanna know.

Now, go get your music on!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Unity and Diversity...Can we have both?

So, I am sure most readers know by now that I am a Christian.  Actually, I am trying to refer to myself now as a follower of Jesus rather than Christian, though, as a broad term to classify my beliefs, the word Christian works.  I was having an online discussion with a man whom I respect, though we don't often share the same viewpoint.  What we do have in common is our love for Jesus. 

The conversation eventually cam around to this idea of diversity versus unity.  His opinion is that although we are Christians, diversity in thought and action are necessary and important as a part of our community together.  My viewpoint was that of unity over diversity.  One God, one faith, one truth, etc.  In the new testament, Paul exhorts the church to be of like mind, and intent on one purpose.  I think Paul knew the danger of the enemy seeking to divide the church by convincing them that their can be a gray rather than just black and white.  I know I am gonna catch some disagreement here, but here it is, I just don't see any gray in scripture or in the life of Jesus, and I see a call for unity and for advancement of the Kingdom of God on earth, never a call for diversity and varied opinion.  Yes, I understand we are all different, but if the goal is the same, the path can't be that far apart.  IF there is no gray in scripture, no luke warm, the unity can not be that far behind.

This post is actually several weeks in the making and over that time I have given some thought to this idea of unity and diversity, by applying it directly to God himself.  God is both unity and diversity.  He is God the Father and creator, He is God the son, and He is God the Holy Spirit.  Each person of the trinity has a function different and separate from the other, yet they remain perfectly united and intent on the propose of God the Father.  Perfectly diverse and perfectly united.  I think the church is called to be the same.

My friend voted for President Obama, and I did not.  We are diverse.  The unity comes in our acknowledgement that we are not called to criticize, but to pray for "kings" and all those in authority.  This is our unity.  This unity will never happen as long as I spend valuable time bashing the President and slandering him over things I disagree with, and I refuse to do that, and I expect the same thing from fellow followers of Christ.  Should we speak up and have a voice when we think things are wrong or immoral?  Yes, but that must never take the place of prayer and unity of purpose.  Is it OK to dislike Rush Limbaugh?  Sure.  He's not my favorite person.  What happens though when we take our dislike and disagreement a step further by aligning our selves with groups titled "Tell Rush Limbaugh to Shut The Hell Up?"  Really all this does is put us on the same level as the one we despise for justifiable reasons, and mutes our cause.  Joining the madness will never bring solutions or peace or the Kingdom of God.

Followers of Jesus (read: The Church) need to find unity in our diversity and understand that God is very much single minded, very black and white, and extremely intent on one purpose and that makes it our intent as well.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Link Love Tuesday!

After a few weeks off, I am back with an all new LLT!  This week's love goes out to Matt.  Honestly, I don't know this guy that well, but I love his blog and his writing.  He has a thought provoking style that is both honest and loving at the same time.  There has not yet been a post that I have not enjoyed.

So...slide on over a check it out.  Leave a comment, let him know how you go there, and get spreading the love.  The Church Of No People!

Now, go get your Tuesday on!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

God and American Idol!

Over the last several years, I have heard different views about how God works to advance his Kingdom on earth, or whether he still really does.  Would and could God use something like American Idol to reach people?  I have some friends that say no way, but I beg to differ.  I believe God is living and active and not above using any and all means to advance his Kingdom and draw people to Himself. 

This year on American Idol, there were at least two Christian singers, both of which are worship leaders in their local church.  There may have been others as well.  Last year, there were several Christians, and though it's not my favorite song, Shout To The Lord was a featured song on one episode and was performed on live national television.  

God wants to work, will use any available means, and simply needs us to be available.  Available to love someone, to talk about a television show, to address sin in a loving way, to feed someone who is hungry, or maybe just open the door for someone.  

Enjoy the video...

Saturday, May 23, 2009


"Think of people you consider fanatical. They're overbearing, self-righteous, opinionated, insensitive, and harsh. Why? It's not because they are too Christian but because they are not Christian enough. They are fanatically zealous and courageous, but they are not fanatically humble, sensitive, loving, empathetic, forgiving, or understanding--as Christ was. Because they think of Christianity as a self-improvement program they emulate the Jesus of the whips in the temple, but not the Jesus who said, "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone" (John 8:7). What strikes us as overly fanatical is actually a failure to be fully committed to Christ and his gospel."

-Tim Keller

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Church, the State, Dobson, and the Supremecy of Jesus Christ!

Yea, I know, you all thought I was gone, never to blog again.  Well, you were wrong, and boy aren't you excited.  The truth is, I have been extremely busy, and have had allot on my mind. There have been so many things that I have wanted to blog about, but not enough time to get it all down. Just to let you know up front, this post will be kind of all over the place, so please read carefully.

Ready?  Here we go...

I posted a comment of Facebook a few weeks ago regard the separation of church and state, and the fact that those words do not exist in our constitution.  I also mentioned the fact that the author of the portion of the constitution where that idea comes from, really intended (at least as proven through my own research) to protect religious freedom from the government, and not the other way around.  Unfortunately, historical revisionists have had their way, and the truth of what our constitution really says and intended is found only through intense research and study. This of course garnered some attention from some of my Facebook friends, but the conversation was all civil and respectful.

Jump ahead a few days, and I became involved in a discussion string on a friends Facebook page regarding Focus on the Family's involvement in the National Day Of Prayer, and their seeming need to demonize and incriminate the Obama administration.  Now, before I continue, I would like to clarify a few things about myself and my positions in bullet points, and hopefully set the stage for a clear understanding of the rest of this post.
  • I am a follower of Jesus Christ
  • I am a conservative republican who feels strongly about the mandate to pray for rulers and all those in authority
  • I did not vote for President Obama nor do I agree with many of his positions politically or morally
  • Irrespective of the above point, I will continue to support our President in prayer
  • I appreciate James Dobson and hi organization and their commitment to protecting the institution of family
  • Irrespective of the above point, I do not agree with fear tactics and political game playing as a resort for Christian leaders who are supposed to be an example to a lost world.
  • I do not support historical revisionism and feel that it is extremely damaging to our culture and to who we are as a nation and a people
OK, now that I have that out of the way, I shall continue.  The thread I became involved in regard Dobson became about the role that he and other Christian leaders play in spreading ear and playing political games, do push an "extreme right" and religious agenda.  The most important things about this thread was that we all remained friends at the end.  It did get heated however and eventually the conversation turned to a "Christians" role in society and the need for diversity or lack thereof.

Here is my conclusion.  I do not agree with many of the things that Dobson's organization has recently done on a political level.  I do however agree with the heart of the message.  Here is my issue though.  While diversity in thought and opinion is OK, we are called as followers of Jesus, to build community, and to be of like mind, intent on one purpose.  How can followers of Jesus pull this off when we constantly focus on pushing our own agendas, spreading fear and ignoring the supremacy of Jesus Christ in all aspects of life and of our Nation?  We must come to a place where we understand that community is built through love, understanding comes when ears are open and mercy is given.  I feel like Christians have become so afraid, that we have forgotten to whom we belong and that His mandate is to love one another.  We do not have to agree, but we must love.  I do not ave to support President Obama with my vote, but I must support him through prayer and love.  I do not have to support homosexuality, but I must love homosexuals. I do not have to agree with or support abortion, but I must love the women who make the choice.

Our mandate is to love, period.  There is no fear in love.  We need to love as Christ loved and live as Christ lived, period.  End of story!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

About Me...Part Deux

So, if you missed part one, check it out here.

So, I moved up here in 1992, which was the summer between my freshman and sophmore year of highschool.  Tough time to switch schools, but I was more than willing to make the sacrifice.  The move was a little rough.  I quickly jumped into a youth group with the Los Osos Vineyard church, made some great friends and quickly began enjoying the laid back central coast life.  I was never a big fan of highschool.  Highschool was rough.  I tried hard to fit in, make friends, be accepted, all the typical stuff.  Years later I found myself leadinga group of young highschoolers at the same church, and encouraging them to keep there eyes focused on God rather than external and temporary things.  

I graduated in 1995, and shortly before graduation, began working at Seashell Communities, which is a retirement home.hospital in Morro Bay.  After graduation, I put in my notice, and had plans to move to SLO and get a better job, maybe go to college, and whatever else.  Shortly after I gave my notice, I was told that I needed to sort of train the person who was going o replace me. Cool, right?  My replacements name was Cheryl Ranches, and you all now know her as Cheryl McCabe.  We bagan a short time of working together by her trying to set me up with a mutual firend, all the while I was trying to convince her that I was into her.  I asked her about 3 times I think, before she finally agreed.  We went and played tennis, and by the end, she was hooked.

To be continued...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Mom of the Year!

Mom Of The Year: Cheryl McCabe

Link Love Tuesday

OK, so I missed it again.  Well, here it is, short and sweet.  

This week's love goes out to Josh Mock.  We used to work together and still talk from time to time. I have really grow to appreciate Josh through his writing and I think you will too.  If you enjoy honesty and good music, then check it out.

Now, go get your blog on!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Stats Suck Sunday

If you don't know why, click here!  Here it is in bullet points...

  • Totally stoked that the NBA playoffs are in full swing and that the Lakers are geared up for Houston in the second round
  • Spent time praying the Brody would see the error of his ways and realize the amazing freedom found in being a Laker fan.
  • I watched Chuck Liddell's last fight a couple weeks ago, and for some reason I can't stop myself from wanting him to fight one more time.  
  • Watched the Tigger and Pooh musical with Aidan and Owyn this afternoon after grocery shopping.  Fell asleep and then was awakened by tigger's bouncing.
  • I continue to be totally amazed by the amount of food my 1-1/2 year old consumes.
  • Just checked the NBA site and saw that Denver beat Dallas.  I will pretty much root for anyone playing against a team from Texas or Sacramento, unless it's Boston.  Crazy, I know!
  • Geared up for a busy and shorthanded week as my co-worker lounges in Maui.  The business starts tomorrow with a Venti Bold Roast!
Go get your week on!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Just a thought...

Well, I haven't had a ton to say recently.  Honetly, I mostly just haven't taken the time to sit and write anything worth posting, but since the title is Just a thought, here's a though for you.  Well, more of a question really.  What are "natural flavors"?  

So, I am sitting at the kitchen table with the fam, and I was reading the back of the ketchup bottle.  The ingredients went someing like this; tomato paste, water, corn syrup, huigh fructose corn syrup, spices, natural flavors.  So again I ask, what are these natural flavors.  They aren't spices, because that was already listed.  What is a natural flavor?

Now, I know you will be tempted to continue on and not comment here, but please consider the following.  First, I like comments, and secondly, I really want to know the answer to the question. Help me out here people!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Link Love Tuesday!

 OK, so I missed yesterday!  Better late than never right?  So, this weeks love goes out to Brody Harper.  I got introduced to Brody, viamy real life friend,  Travis Avila and I've been hooked.  In Brody's blog, you get music, great writing, honesty, humor, and real life.  It's all wrapped up in a neat little ball that you can stick right in your reader or feed.  Check it out, I think you'll like it!

Now, go get your Wednesday on!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

What I do all day!

OK, so I don't actually do this demo, but I do show the video and talk about how much stuff a new toilet will flush. Oh, and I did just put this exact toilet in my house. Take my word for it, it works as advertised.

This is my world people. Now, go get your toilet on!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day: The creation and the uncreated one!

So, today is earth day.  Earth day is cool.  We set aside w hole day to honor the earth and to spread perspective regarding the need to preserve it.  I'm cool with that.  Now, I don't get all into the global warming, polar ice caps, and so on and so forth, but I do my part.  We minimize driving when possible, recycle everything we can, purchase post consumer products when possible, stuff like that.  I definitely see wisdom in taking care of and stewarding the earth as our home and planet.

I figured today would be as good as any to get the boys out and explore the earth a little.  We drove to Morro bay and parked in front of the ocean.  After being amazed by this huge expanse of water, and the surfers riding the waves, we decided to get out and explore a little.  As we walked, we saw tons of beautiful birds, some of which dove down into the water looking for food.  We saw squirrels nibble on bits of food and nuts and some even taking food from some gentle and quiet humans that were longing for a connection with the squirrels.  We then went over to the new path/boardwalk, that wraps around the bay and goes along the main street of Morro Bay.  While we walked, we saw more birds, some sea otters with a couple little baby otters on their tummy's, more humans enjoying the sights, blue sky, crisp wind, mountains, sand dunes, the list goes on and on.  I was amazed!  I have seen all these things before, but because today was earth day, I was really looking at them in a different light.

As I was looking around, I realized that there is no other explanation for the earth and all that exists within it, other than being the handiwork of a caring and loving creator.  There is no other explanation.  Evolution cannot explain it, science cannot, the human mind cannot even begin to understand.  The funny thing to me, is that as humans, we actually believe we have the ability to destroy something that is so far beyond our own understanding.  Now, I am not saying lets just do what we want, we definitely need to take care of the earth and act responsibly.  My thing is about trying to get past that, to an awe and wonder of an uncreated God who lovingly and creatively breathed life into everything that exists, and to honor Him above all and for all the beauty that He has created.

No go get your earth day on!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Link Love Tuesday!

Of course you knew it was only a matter of time. I am throwing out props to my amazing wife and beautiful family. Cheryl spends a good amount of time keeping our friends and family updated through the blog. Check it out and let her know what you think about the McCabe Family Blog.

Now go get your Tuesday on!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Link Love Tuesday!

Today's love goes to Kit Cressady.  I only know her by name from a friend, but I somehow stumbled across her blog, and really enjoyed it.  She is a talented singer and songwriter, and her passion for Jesus is obvious from her writings and music.  Check out her blog and browse around, I think you'll like it too!  Here is a little taste of what to expect...

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Stats Suck Sunday!

I know it's late, but it's Easter.  I am so grateful for Christ's death, His resurrection and the hope that represents.  

Well, if you don't know why, click here.  Here it is in bullet points...

  • another rough week with the kiddos.  Cheryl took the brunt, and we are gearing up for another long week.  Thank God for His grace!
  • Ate Chinese food twice this week
  • I love Chinese food
  • Easter was awesome with my Dad and stepmom, stepsister and all the kiddos.
  • I finally realized what happens when a 3 year old eats too much chocolate.  This is why we do not allow it...Yikes
  • Stoked to find out that tons of other men use a special shower sponge thing and that it's not just me.
Enjoy your week!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

On Repeat...

I was introduced to Brooke Waggoner a few months ago by my friend.  Her album and more specifically this song, has been on in the mix on my ipod ever since.  Check it out!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Truth Defined

I am on in interesting journey right now.  Very exciting.  Cheryl and I just began a study call the Truth Project that basically spends 12 weeks going through a comprehensive study of truth.  It basically takes a look at life from a Biblical perspective, explains truth and the relevance of the Christian worldview.  Now, that may sound convoluted, bit it is pretty simple really, and this is how I feel God revealed this to me.

In the days leading up to this study, I was going over this idea of truth in my prayer time.  I realized I could not define truth in a clear way.  I feel like I know what truth is, but articulating it is something else entirely.  Here is what I feel God revealed to me as an analogy for what I believe will be a journey that He is taking me on.

Cheryl McCabe is my wife.  That is real. That is my reality. I have documents, witnesses and the government to prove that fact.  It is reality and it is true, but it is not truth.  A man cannot walk into my home a tell me that he has decided that he wants Cheryl to be his wife and then take her away and call her his wife.  You just can't do that. The only way for Cheryl to no longer be my wife is for us to "change" or divorce.  This is the difference.  Real truth must be absolute.  It is by definition absolute and cannot be changed.  Truth is not relative.  The minute we make truth relative, it ceases to be truth, and becomes our own created reality instead.  

God is absolute.  God is unchangeable.  God has always existed and by nature cannot ever change.  This leads me to the fact that truth defined begins and ends with God.  Not just God as a spiritual being, but his nature, his principals, and the biblical account of who he is.  Of all the religions in the world, of all the beliefs, the God of the Bible is the only one who has not ever changed and cannot change.  He is where truth starts and ends.

I believe in God.  I have always believed in God.  He has revealed Himself to me in a way that I know for sure He is real.  My belief does not relay on people to represent him well.  My belief does not depend on church or religion.  My belief is in the God of the universe as a good and loving creator.  I want to articulate that in a way that makes sense.  I don't want to push God on anyone.  I do however want to speak the truth when asked and when given opportunity.  Anyone that feels they have found something worth believing in that strongly I think would feel the same way.  I trust God to reveal Himself to others just like He has to me, but I certainly want to be an instrument of that revelation whenever the opportunity arises.

That's all for now...would love to hear some of your thoughts!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Link Love Tuesday!

Welcome back to Link Love Tuesday!  Basically, I use Tuesday's to show some love to some blogs or sites that I enjoy, read, or that inspire me.  Sorry today's is a little late, but it's been a busy day.

This Tuesday's "Link Love" goes to Travis and Jenn Avila and the Avila Family Blog.  I met Travis about 4 years ago when he came to work for PCKB.  We found we had several things in common including a love for music, leading worship, and sarcastic jokes.  Basically, if we were in a movie together, you would pay tons's of money to see it, laugh your butt off, and then we would be rich. In all seriousness, Travis is a great friend, Jenn is an awesome wife and mom and as you can see from the picture, their son is a rockstar.  Like father like son.  Check out the blog and show them some love.

Now go get your Tuesday on!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Stats Suck Sunday...

If you don't know how this goes, click here and let Brody explain it to you.  I missed last week, so I have extra random musing for your reading pleasure.

Here it is in bullet points...

  • Last week was insanely busy and every day I thanked God for the blessing of work.
  • I noticed Owyn being a ton more interactive and vocal this week.
  • The Lakers lost 2 games in a row this week which had me on the verge of tears.
  • My sister Courtney celebrated her 31st Birthday
  • I am excited at how close we are coming to potentially being homeowners, and am waiting for God's direction on when to pursue our first home purchase.
  • On Friday night I went over and worked with my cousin to fix the dent that I put in my car by running into our fence whilst pulling into the driveway.
  • Dent and door are almost fully fixed
  • Today, Cheryl and I left Owyn with the Grandparents, and we took Aidan out on a date.  We ate at IHOP, went to Gottschalks and found that their CLEARANCE sale is really a sham (20% off regular prices is not clearance), drove to the Pismo Outlets and ran into our friend Jill, went back to SLO, bought a couple things at Old Navy and then took Aidan to the pet store to purchase his first pet.  Itroducing...(drumroll)...Kitty the Fish!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Link Love Tuesday!

Welcome to what I will now be calling Link Love Tuesday!  Basically, I am going to use Tuesday's to show some love to some blogs or sites that I enjoy, read, or that inspire me.

The first ever Link Love Tuesday, goes to an old hisghschool friend of mine, Forrestt Williams.  I've been a little out of touch with Forrestt since high school, but recently re-connected on facebook and unknown to him, I have followed his music off and on since high school.  He is currently touring/playing with a couple different bands.  Forrestt is one of the best bass players and all around musicians that I know of.  You will do yourself a favor by checking out his site and his music.

Now go get your Tuesday on!

Friday, March 27, 2009


...Your candidate for President of the United States.  Making official his bid for the 2029 Presidency, my son, Owyn.  Let the change begin!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

A little about me

So, I realized lately that there are some readers of my blog, that I have never actually met. Some I have just networked with through other blogs or through facebook or other such means.  I know you can't tell from all the comments people leave, but I discovered recently through a tracking tool that there are a few more readers than I originally thought.  After realizing that, I thought it may be worthwhile to just give a little info about myself.  This bio will come in several parts and probably not all back to back, but over time, they will give a little insight into the world of Will McCabe, for those that don't know me personally.

It all began in 1977.  Well, 1976 I guess if you want to get all technical about it.  My parents most likely either had an argument, or a few too many glasses of wine, but one way or another, my life officially began at the end of 1976 and I came screaming on the scene in August of 1977.  I was born in Hemet, California.  If you don't know where Hemet is, it's easy to find.  Just head straight to hell, and just before you get there, hang left and you'll run right into Hemet.  OK, maybe I exaggerate a little.  There are worse places to live.  I mean, I could have grown up in Coalinga (sorry Trav, couldn't help myself) or Modesto or some other God forsaken part of California. Hemet has changed allot, and is slightly more bearable than when I lived there, but I still wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.  Well, maybe my worst enemy, but I digress.

I was raised in Hemet until I was 14.  My parents divorced when I was around 2 years old I believe.  I grew up with my mom and a stepfather.  Without going into all the crazy details, I'll suffice it to say, life wasn't easy and I was anxious to leave and live with my dad.  I love my mom, and my sister and step sisters, but there was just a whole bunch of un-happiness in this family, and I needed to move on.  Little did I know, that God would use this move to drastically alter the course of my life.  To be continued...

Are you intrigued?  Stay tuned, and as always, feel free to chime in!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Billboard chart topper...

I heard this and laughed so hard, I immediately knew I needed to share it.  Hope you enjoy!

If you don't know who Paul Krugman is, check him out.  I'm not as avid a follower as some, but the song was sure entertaining.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Driving in China!

Here is a sampling of the 1100 questions on the Chinese driving test. These are ACTUAL test questions. See how well you can answer them:  
(1) Among drivers, a driver should: 
a. deliberately underestimate each other 
b. race for “vehicle hero” 
c. learn from each other to make up each other’s deficiencies, help each other and drive safely 
(2) When driving and wanting to spit, the driver can: 
a. spit to the road through the window of the vehicle 
b. spit to the waste paper taken with him or her and stop to throw it onto the dustbin 
c. spit to the carpeting 
(3) When driving a vehicle in summer, the driver: 
a. can wear slippers 
b. is not allowed to wear slippers for wearing slippers is neither polite nor safe 
c. can wear any shoes as he or she likes 
(4) If there is an open wound in the waist such as intestine coming out, you should: 
a. restore it 
b. not treat it 
c. not treat it, but use a bowl or pot to cover it and dress it with cloth strips externally 
(5) When driving through the concave-convex transverse road, the driver should shift to the lower gear in advance and _____________ relying on the inertia force: 
a. let two front wheels steadily fall into the bottom of the ditch and then speed up to drive up the ditch 
b. sway the steering wheel leftward and rightward to drive down and up the ditch and then speed up to drive 
c. drive down and up the ditch and then speed up to drive 
(6) During his or her driving, the driver: 
a. can smoke 
b. can smoke in small amount when he or she feels spiritually fatigue 
c. is not allowed to smoke 
(7) When driving at night in summer, the driver should pay attention to the ________ who are enjoying the cool on either side, road embankment and bridge and carefully prevent injuring anybody. 
a. vehicles 
b. relaxing persons 
c. stuff 
(8) If there is a bicycle rider clinging to the motor vehicle, the motor vehicle driver then should: 
a. speed up to get rid of him or her 
b. stop at once 
c. stop steadily 
(9) When having a dispute with others, a driver should: 
a. fling abuses 
b. patiently offer an explanation and not bring any negative mood to driving 
c. drive in a fit of pique 
(10) When driving through the section of road where tooting is not forbidden, the driver should: 
a. toot as usual 
b. increase the volume of tooting 
c. try to toot as less as possible not to affect the routine of others 


Once, when I was a rock star...

Well, maybe rock star is a bit of a strong statement, but still.  I successfully recorded my first (and only to this point) original worship CD back in 2004.  I was pretty stoked on it, and still am, thought now I just listen and pick apart all the mistakes and think of all the stuff I would do different.  I have continued writing and leading at my Church and am hopeing to record again at some point, but who knows.  Anyways, out of the millions of copies I had made, I have about 25 left.  Take a listen, and if you want one, let me know.