Thursday, June 4, 2009


The title is pretty self explanatory.  Here are the top ten played songs on my ipod right now.  
  1. Greatly To Be Praised - Brian and Jenn Johnson
  2. God Of This City - Chris Tomlin
  3. The Maker - Willie Nelson
  4. Hot N Cold - Katy Perry (Don't knock if you haven't tried it)
  5. Always On My Mind - Willie Nelson
  6. Love Or Gain - Lakes
  7. Resonate - Imago Dei
  8. Forgive and Forget - Street Choir
  9. Heartless  - Kris Allen's version of the Kanye song
  10. Goodbye, Apathy - OneRepublic
What are your top 10 songs this week.....PLEASE tell me, I really wanna know.

Now, go get your music on!


Earth Mama said...

Sorry Will, B does not ALLOW me to listen to music in the car. I think it's my singing that offends him. But in the spirit of contributing, I listen to Public radio almost exclusively. Oh, and "you were always on my mind" is my Dad's favorite song & thus I love it! Willie is an all time classic.

BTW, the verification word for this comment is "condom"! Random! And yes, I am 12 years old

Will McCabe said...

Condom? Weird!