Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Link Love Tuesday

As a follow up to yesterdays post. Check it out!

Go get your blog on!!!!!!!


Nae said...

I have yet to read all of the posts, but from what I see, I love it. I like that it's actually in truth not a very opinionated blog. They pretty much say how some things are and the interesting part happens when, after reading, we form our own opinions.

For example, the 'Jesus Fish' post cracked me up because I can completely throw myself under the bus for this one. I remember having a license plate holder that had the name of the Christian school I worked at on it. I would think about how that would stop me from being a rude driver because I didn't want anyone to perceive me to be this hypocritical Christian; in truth I should just do things becase they are right and good not because I have a 'Jesus Fish' on my car!

Thanks for sharing!

stephy said...

Thanks again for the props Will!

Will McCabe said...

I never did the 'Jesus Fish' on my car, but I did have a bumper sticker once. As it turned out, I just couldn't handle the pressure of having to live up to the bumper sticker. It's funny how fish and bumper stickers seem innocent or funny or whatever, but in reality, you are right; our life should be our bumper sticker!

Will McCabe said...

Steph - You are very welcome. I enjoy being able to pass along a good read. Love the dialogue as well!

stephy said...

Yes! The dialogue is the best part.