In the days leading up to this study, I was going over this idea of truth in my prayer time. I realized I could not define truth in a clear way. I feel like I know what truth is, but articulating it is something else entirely. Here is what I feel God revealed to me as an analogy for what I believe will be a journey that He is taking me on.
Cheryl McCabe is my wife. That is real. That is my reality. I have documents, witnesses and the government to prove that fact. It is reality and it is true, but it is not truth. A man cannot walk into my home a tell me that he has decided that he wants Cheryl to be his wife and then take her away and call her his wife. You just can't do that. The only way for Cheryl to no longer be my wife is for us to "change" or divorce. This is the difference. Real truth must be absolute. It is by definition absolute and cannot be changed. Truth is not relative. The minute we make truth relative, it ceases to be truth, and becomes our own created reality instead.
God is absolute. God is unchangeable. God has always existed and by nature cannot ever change. This leads me to the fact that truth defined begins and ends with God. Not just God as a spiritual being, but his nature, his principals, and the biblical account of who he is. Of all the religions in the world, of all the beliefs, the God of the Bible is the only one who has not ever changed and cannot change. He is where truth starts and ends.
I believe in God. I have always believed in God. He has revealed Himself to me in a way that I know for sure He is real. My belief does not relay on people to represent him well. My belief does not depend on church or religion. My belief is in the God of the universe as a good and loving creator. I want to articulate that in a way that makes sense. I don't want to push God on anyone. I do however want to speak the truth when asked and when given opportunity. Anyone that feels they have found something worth believing in that strongly I think would feel the same way. I trust God to reveal Himself to others just like He has to me, but I certainly want to be an instrument of that revelation whenever the opportunity arises.
That's all for now...would love to hear some of your thoughts!
1 comment:
That was very interesting!! Definitely food for thought. I never thought of "Truth" in such a way! But when put that way it makes sense. I will have to check this study out!
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