So, today is earth day. Earth day is cool. We set aside w hole day to honor the earth and to spread perspective regarding the need to preserve it. I'm cool with that. Now, I don't get all into the global warming, polar ice caps, and so on and so forth, but I do my part. We minimize driving when possible, recycle everything we can, purchase post consumer products when possible, stuff like that. I definitely see wisdom in taking care of and stewarding the earth as our home and planet.
I figured today would be as good as any to get the boys out and explore the earth a little. We drove to Morro bay and parked in front of the ocean. After being amazed by this huge expanse of water, and the surfers riding the waves, we decided to get out and explore a little. As we walked, we saw tons of beautiful birds, some of which dove down into the water looking for food. We saw squirrels nibble on bits of food and nuts and some even taking food from some gentle and quiet humans that were longing for a connection with the squirrels. We then went over to the new path/boardwalk, that wraps around the bay and goes along the main street of Morro Bay. While we walked, we saw more birds, some sea otters with a couple little baby otters on their tummy's, more humans enjoying the sights, blue sky, crisp wind, mountains, sand dunes, the list goes on and on. I was amazed! I have seen all these things before, but because today was earth day, I was really looking at them in a different light.
As I was looking around, I realized that there is no other explanation for the earth and all that exists within it, other than being the handiwork of a caring and loving creator. There is no other explanation. Evolution cannot explain it, science cannot, the human mind cannot even begin to understand. The funny thing to me, is that as humans, we actually believe we have the ability to destroy something that is so far beyond our own understanding. Now, I am not saying lets just do what we want, we definitely need to take care of the earth and act responsibly. My thing is about trying to get past that, to an awe and wonder of an uncreated God who lovingly and creatively breathed life into everything that exists, and to honor Him above all and for all the beauty that He has created.
No go get your earth day on!
1 comment:
Now that was a interesting and nice thought and perspective about Earth Day!! If only more people saw it that way! Thanks for the perspective!
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