Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Link Love Tuesday!

 OK, so I missed yesterday!  Better late than never right?  So, this weeks love goes out to Brody Harper.  I got introduced to Brody, viamy real life friend,  Travis Avila and I've been hooked.  In Brody's blog, you get music, great writing, honesty, humor, and real life.  It's all wrapped up in a neat little ball that you can stick right in your reader or feed.  Check it out, I think you'll like it!

Now, go get your Wednesday on!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

What I do all day!

OK, so I don't actually do this demo, but I do show the video and talk about how much stuff a new toilet will flush. Oh, and I did just put this exact toilet in my house. Take my word for it, it works as advertised.

This is my world people. Now, go get your toilet on!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day: The creation and the uncreated one!

So, today is earth day.  Earth day is cool.  We set aside w hole day to honor the earth and to spread perspective regarding the need to preserve it.  I'm cool with that.  Now, I don't get all into the global warming, polar ice caps, and so on and so forth, but I do my part.  We minimize driving when possible, recycle everything we can, purchase post consumer products when possible, stuff like that.  I definitely see wisdom in taking care of and stewarding the earth as our home and planet.

I figured today would be as good as any to get the boys out and explore the earth a little.  We drove to Morro bay and parked in front of the ocean.  After being amazed by this huge expanse of water, and the surfers riding the waves, we decided to get out and explore a little.  As we walked, we saw tons of beautiful birds, some of which dove down into the water looking for food.  We saw squirrels nibble on bits of food and nuts and some even taking food from some gentle and quiet humans that were longing for a connection with the squirrels.  We then went over to the new path/boardwalk, that wraps around the bay and goes along the main street of Morro Bay.  While we walked, we saw more birds, some sea otters with a couple little baby otters on their tummy's, more humans enjoying the sights, blue sky, crisp wind, mountains, sand dunes, the list goes on and on.  I was amazed!  I have seen all these things before, but because today was earth day, I was really looking at them in a different light.

As I was looking around, I realized that there is no other explanation for the earth and all that exists within it, other than being the handiwork of a caring and loving creator.  There is no other explanation.  Evolution cannot explain it, science cannot, the human mind cannot even begin to understand.  The funny thing to me, is that as humans, we actually believe we have the ability to destroy something that is so far beyond our own understanding.  Now, I am not saying lets just do what we want, we definitely need to take care of the earth and act responsibly.  My thing is about trying to get past that, to an awe and wonder of an uncreated God who lovingly and creatively breathed life into everything that exists, and to honor Him above all and for all the beauty that He has created.

No go get your earth day on!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Link Love Tuesday!

Of course you knew it was only a matter of time. I am throwing out props to my amazing wife and beautiful family. Cheryl spends a good amount of time keeping our friends and family updated through the blog. Check it out and let her know what you think about the McCabe Family Blog.

Now go get your Tuesday on!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Link Love Tuesday!

Today's love goes to Kit Cressady.  I only know her by name from a friend, but I somehow stumbled across her blog, and really enjoyed it.  She is a talented singer and songwriter, and her passion for Jesus is obvious from her writings and music.  Check out her blog and browse around, I think you'll like it too!  Here is a little taste of what to expect...

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Stats Suck Sunday!

I know it's late, but it's Easter.  I am so grateful for Christ's death, His resurrection and the hope that represents.  

Well, if you don't know why, click here.  Here it is in bullet points...

  • another rough week with the kiddos.  Cheryl took the brunt, and we are gearing up for another long week.  Thank God for His grace!
  • Ate Chinese food twice this week
  • I love Chinese food
  • Easter was awesome with my Dad and stepmom, stepsister and all the kiddos.
  • I finally realized what happens when a 3 year old eats too much chocolate.  This is why we do not allow it...Yikes
  • Stoked to find out that tons of other men use a special shower sponge thing and that it's not just me.
Enjoy your week!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

On Repeat...

I was introduced to Brooke Waggoner a few months ago by my friend.  Her album and more specifically this song, has been on in the mix on my ipod ever since.  Check it out!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Truth Defined

I am on in interesting journey right now.  Very exciting.  Cheryl and I just began a study call the Truth Project that basically spends 12 weeks going through a comprehensive study of truth.  It basically takes a look at life from a Biblical perspective, explains truth and the relevance of the Christian worldview.  Now, that may sound convoluted, bit it is pretty simple really, and this is how I feel God revealed this to me.

In the days leading up to this study, I was going over this idea of truth in my prayer time.  I realized I could not define truth in a clear way.  I feel like I know what truth is, but articulating it is something else entirely.  Here is what I feel God revealed to me as an analogy for what I believe will be a journey that He is taking me on.

Cheryl McCabe is my wife.  That is real. That is my reality. I have documents, witnesses and the government to prove that fact.  It is reality and it is true, but it is not truth.  A man cannot walk into my home a tell me that he has decided that he wants Cheryl to be his wife and then take her away and call her his wife.  You just can't do that. The only way for Cheryl to no longer be my wife is for us to "change" or divorce.  This is the difference.  Real truth must be absolute.  It is by definition absolute and cannot be changed.  Truth is not relative.  The minute we make truth relative, it ceases to be truth, and becomes our own created reality instead.  

God is absolute.  God is unchangeable.  God has always existed and by nature cannot ever change.  This leads me to the fact that truth defined begins and ends with God.  Not just God as a spiritual being, but his nature, his principals, and the biblical account of who he is.  Of all the religions in the world, of all the beliefs, the God of the Bible is the only one who has not ever changed and cannot change.  He is where truth starts and ends.

I believe in God.  I have always believed in God.  He has revealed Himself to me in a way that I know for sure He is real.  My belief does not relay on people to represent him well.  My belief does not depend on church or religion.  My belief is in the God of the universe as a good and loving creator.  I want to articulate that in a way that makes sense.  I don't want to push God on anyone.  I do however want to speak the truth when asked and when given opportunity.  Anyone that feels they have found something worth believing in that strongly I think would feel the same way.  I trust God to reveal Himself to others just like He has to me, but I certainly want to be an instrument of that revelation whenever the opportunity arises.

That's all for now...would love to hear some of your thoughts!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Link Love Tuesday!

Welcome back to Link Love Tuesday!  Basically, I use Tuesday's to show some love to some blogs or sites that I enjoy, read, or that inspire me.  Sorry today's is a little late, but it's been a busy day.

This Tuesday's "Link Love" goes to Travis and Jenn Avila and the Avila Family Blog.  I met Travis about 4 years ago when he came to work for PCKB.  We found we had several things in common including a love for music, leading worship, and sarcastic jokes.  Basically, if we were in a movie together, you would pay tons's of money to see it, laugh your butt off, and then we would be rich. In all seriousness, Travis is a great friend, Jenn is an awesome wife and mom and as you can see from the picture, their son is a rockstar.  Like father like son.  Check out the blog and show them some love.

Now go get your Tuesday on!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Stats Suck Sunday...

If you don't know how this goes, click here and let Brody explain it to you.  I missed last week, so I have extra random musing for your reading pleasure.

Here it is in bullet points...

  • Last week was insanely busy and every day I thanked God for the blessing of work.
  • I noticed Owyn being a ton more interactive and vocal this week.
  • The Lakers lost 2 games in a row this week which had me on the verge of tears.
  • My sister Courtney celebrated her 31st Birthday
  • I am excited at how close we are coming to potentially being homeowners, and am waiting for God's direction on when to pursue our first home purchase.
  • On Friday night I went over and worked with my cousin to fix the dent that I put in my car by running into our fence whilst pulling into the driveway.
  • Dent and door are almost fully fixed
  • Today, Cheryl and I left Owyn with the Grandparents, and we took Aidan out on a date.  We ate at IHOP, went to Gottschalks and found that their CLEARANCE sale is really a sham (20% off regular prices is not clearance), drove to the Pismo Outlets and ran into our friend Jill, went back to SLO, bought a couple things at Old Navy and then took Aidan to the pet store to purchase his first pet.  Itroducing...(drumroll)...Kitty the Fish!