Sunday, May 24, 2009

God and American Idol!

Over the last several years, I have heard different views about how God works to advance his Kingdom on earth, or whether he still really does.  Would and could God use something like American Idol to reach people?  I have some friends that say no way, but I beg to differ.  I believe God is living and active and not above using any and all means to advance his Kingdom and draw people to Himself. 

This year on American Idol, there were at least two Christian singers, both of which are worship leaders in their local church.  There may have been others as well.  Last year, there were several Christians, and though it's not my favorite song, Shout To The Lord was a featured song on one episode and was performed on live national television.  

God wants to work, will use any available means, and simply needs us to be available.  Available to love someone, to talk about a television show, to address sin in a loving way, to feed someone who is hungry, or maybe just open the door for someone.  

Enjoy the video...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with your post. You should go to Kelly's Korner blog, she is from Arkansas and she has a great story about how Kris Allen was witnessing to Adam Lambert on AI. If you have never been to Kelly's Korner- she is an awesome prayer warrior. The blog address is
God works in mysterious ways!
