So, I am sitting at the kitchen table with the fam, and I was reading the back of the ketchup bottle. The ingredients went someing like this; tomato paste, water, corn syrup, huigh fructose corn syrup, spices, natural flavors. So again I ask, what are these natural flavors. They aren't spices, because that was already listed. What is a natural flavor?
Now, I know you will be tempted to continue on and not comment here, but please consider the following. First, I like comments, and secondly, I really want to know the answer to the question. Help me out here people!
"The difference in how the flavor is classified is based on the METHOD in which it is derived, but ultimately the chemical composition can be nearly identical."
Ok so I had no idea either, so I googled it and here is what I came up with!! :)
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