Thursday, February 26, 2009

Watch out, I'm about to talk politics...

Recently, a friend asked me how I might go about getting American out of it's current financial crisis, if it were up to me.

The truth is, that I am not quite sure what I would do. What I do feel though is that far too much unfair blame has been put on the former administration, and I am a little weary of it.   Now, I do acknowledge some huge mistakes and errors made by that administration, and unfortunate ones.  And as far as my personal opinion is concerned, our most recent, former president was not my favorite by a long shot.   I tend to believe though that much of the "economic crisis" is due to the cyclical nature of our economy, and if not over-corrected, will adjust itself. Do I think we should do nothing? No. I think that some tax cuts are in order and of course some spending that is directly related to creating jobs quickly and helping out people who are effected in a negative way, through no fault of their own, but the amount happening in this package is pretty crazy. Much of the spending in this package is not going to stimulate anything, and really is not intended to. It is just a great way to push through some partisan political spending. 

I ran across this great quote the other day from Thomas Jefferson. "That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves." Wouldn't it be great if every US citizen actually took some responsibility upon themselves for a way out of the "crisis?" What if we all saved money to buy cars and homes rather than use credit? What if we helped one another more and tried encouragement rather than hate? What if we took the responsibility to teach our children seriously rather than blame schools for the way our children turn out? What if we disciplined ourselves as a Nation and actually became the example that we now falsely claim to be to the rest of the world.

The notion that we can spend our way out of a recession, and that the first priority is to get credit flowing again, is to ignore history. Credit is part of what caused the non-cyclical part of this crisis. President Obama spoke last night about government transparency with spending, and that the way the former administration handled the budget was not how you would handle your household budget and not how the government should handle the budget either. At first listen, that sounds really great, but let me ask you this. if you had a negative balance in your checkbook at the end of every month for 6 months straight, would you continue to go out and spend money hoping that would create more income somehow? Probably not. I bet you would open up the budget, find places to cut spending, places where alternative spending choices could be made, use coupons to save money, and make any other adjustments necessary to make the budget balance. To continue spending would be household, financial disaster. I have been there, so have many Americans, and on a larger scale, that is really what this stimulus package is going to do, and that is why the damage it does will be greater in the long-run than the immediate relief that it provides. History bears this out and cannot be ignored in a discussion like this.

Please do not confuse this post, or any future posts of a political nature, as bashing our current President.  I like our President allot. I think he is charming, eloquent, and smart. I appreciate what his election to office means to our Country from an historical standpoint.  I have read his books, and listened to him speak. That fact remains, that I do not agree with his economic or social policies and do not think they will work. I pray every day that this will not be the case, and will continue to do so. 
As usual, I appreciate al respectful responses and comments and would always respond respectfully myself.  I appreciate healthy debate and discussion and believe it is a large part of we grow together as individuals.  

Thank you, and goodnight!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


OK people, I know I don't have the cult following that my good friend Travis does, but certainly there must be more thoughts running around out there.

Did anyone watch the Presidential address last night?  Any thoughts?  I am going to be doing a post pretty soon of a political nature, so you can all be waiting on pins and needles for that, but until then, I would love to hear some thoughts that some of you have.

Who knows, if enough people start talking on here, we may even get a comment out of Travis...

Ready, set, comment!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Just a thought...

OK, I know this is risky, but I am DYING to get some interaction going up in here, so I figured maybe this would get things started.  I have my own opinion, which I will share later, but I want to know what you think about the stimulus, economy, and the overall direction of the new adminitration.  Ready, set...comment!

(Note:  differeing opionions are wonderful and encouraged, but please remember to always be respectful to each other.)  OK, now you can comment!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Memoirs of a toilet salesman...

OK!  You may or may not know that I sell toilets for a living.  Well, plumbing fixtures of all kinds really, but toilet salesman just sounds more exciting.  Well, on the good old family blog, I had a regular post wherein I would replay some of the funniest moments in toilet selling history.  OK, it was really just two posts, but I had high hopes that it would become a regular thing.  Well, now that I am a big blogging star, I am going to make these stories, a semi-regular part of my blog legacy.  So, without further ado, here is the most recent story.

(Special Note:  not all of these stories will be specifically about plumbing, and many of them will include words such as poo, poop, poopy, and shank.  These are all terms used on a daily basis in the plumbing world, and should be taken within the context of the story.)

And so it begins...

Well, here it is folks, another addition of stupid toilet stories. This one happened a while ago, but just came rushing back to my mind today.  This story, or recorded dialog as it were, will really only have meaning or be funny to you, if you fall into one of the following two categories;
1.  You have previously worked in plumbing or construction sales or retail.
2.  You have an appreciation for the ridiculously stupid… 
You will also need to know the term, “spout shank.”  A spout shank is a long brass tube that gets mounted to the underside of a tub deck, and sticks up above the deck so the spout can be mounted on it.  The shank is very important in the installation and function of a tub spout.  The tub set will not function properly without it. 
Let me also preface this dialogue by saying that I have been in this industry for about 7 years now, and this particular plumber has been in the industry for over 20 years. 

Here we go… 
Me:  Hey man how’s it going?
Less Than Smart Plumber (SP):  Not so great.
Me:  What’s up?  You need some help with something?
SP:  Well, I need another one of these (holds up a spout shank for a tub set)
Me:  Um, that’s odd that looks like a spout shank.
SP:  It is
Me:  Why is it cut in half?
SP:  I cut it.
Me:  Why did you do that?
SP:  Well, I was looking through the box of parts, and I didn’t know what it was, so I took out my hacksaw and cut it.
Me:  Hmm, well, you kind of need that…
SP:  Yea well, after I cut it, I read through this (holds up instructions) and realized it was the spout shank.  I guess I shouldn’t just cut stuff without reading first huh?
Me:  Yes, that is true.  I’ll call you when the new one arrives! 

Yes, folks, that was a real conversation, with an “experienced” plumber.  Obviously I am not going to divulge the name of this plumber, but let this story encourage you to investigate thoroughly the people you may have working on your house, and ALWAYS confiscate their hacksaw before they begin work. 

Thursday, February 19, 2009

What do think of...


I have heard differeing opinions.  Some friends think it's  a waste, some think it's a distraction, other's think it's legit.  No matter what they think, they almost all use it. 

What do you think?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

"I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: "I'm ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don't accept His claim to be God." That is the one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic---on a level with the man who says he is a poached egg---or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool, you can spit at Him and kill Him as a demon: or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to."

-C.S. Lewis, the British author and professor at Cambridge and Oxford Universities, once an agnostic himself, wrote these words about Jesus Christ in his book Mere Christianity.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Learning To Trust

God revealed something to me yesterday with amazing clarity. It's something that I think I knew before, but somehow, in the midst of a conversation with my wife and a friend, it just became so clear. 

We all have things that happen in life that are tough to forgive. When we choose not to forgive someone for a wrong done, no matter how bad, we are basically saying that we don't trust God with our hurt, as much as we trust our own anger, bitterness and resentment for the emotional protection that we feel we owe ourselves. Here is the revelation; when we forgive, we allow God to not only heal us, but to forgive and heal the person or persons who trespassed against us. To forgive in this capacity takes complete trust in and reliance up God's faithfulness to fulfill his promises.


Do unto others...

"This year, or this month, or, more likely, this very day, we have failed to practise ourselves the kind of behaviour we expect from other people."--CS Lewis from The Case for Christianity

Do unto others...what a novel concept. This is such a simple life idea, yet failure to implement it begins a chain reaction of selfish and damaging behaviour that takes God himself to bring to an end. Why don't we or more importantly, why don't I practice this idea more in my everyday life. From opening a door, to letting someone into the lane in font of you, to smiling at your wife. I want others to treat me well right? I want to be treated fairly, with respect, with honesty, lovingly, and I mostly wish that people would think before they do things. Well, as is true with most things in life, the things we want from others, starts with us.


Unspeakably, unimaginably good!

The God and Father of Jesus loves men and women not for what He finds in them, but for what He finds in them of Himself. It is not because men and women are good that He loves them, nor only good men and women whom He loves. It's because He is so unspeakably, unimaginably good that He loves men and women, even in their sin." - Brennan Manning

Romans 7:15 
I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.

The is the story of our lives isn't it? It seems like I start our every day pumped and ready to effect change all around me, and by lunchtime, I have been more effected by otheres than they have by me. So many reasons...not enough time in prayer, not enough Bible reading, failing to walk by the Spirit, all around lack of motivation. What encourages me to continue to wake up and try again, is the fact that Jesus loves me, "even in my sin." 

Father, help us grasp the depths of your love for us and grant us hearts that are unwilling to accept things staying as they always have been.

Another Day, Another Dollar!

Am i the only one that feels like I go to work everyday to get a paycheck that basically supports our entire way of life, and still feels unfulfilled most days? I get up every morning, go to work, sell ton's of stuff, and in the back of my mind, believe that somehow I will get rich or that money will become more abundant all of a sudden. 

I am tired of working for money. I want to work for God and for his purposes. I am tired of looking forward to every paycheck as if my life depends on it. i want my paycheck to be an afterthought, a byproduct of pursuing the King and his kingdom in the field that God has me in for how ever long He has me there. Mostly, I want to hear His voice every day. I want to live by his voice and follow his voice. I want my life to mean something for the Kingdom of God. I want everything I do to reflect His glory. I don't want to live another day for another dollar!
