Sunday, June 28, 2009
Jesus with skin on!
Saw this on a friends blog today, and was super encouraged by it. Please take the time to watch it and share your thoughts!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Because it makes sense!
Up until several months ago, I had never heard of Tim Keller. I am not even sure now how I stumbled upon him, but it turns out, that he is the pastor of a large church in New York City. The first couple of things I read from him, reall resonated with, me, and the more I read, the more I am enjoying. For anybody that has questions about God and Christianity and wants real answers, and not just something that will agree with their displeasures, I would suggest checking out this book. Time Keller just has a way of stating things in such a simple a clear way, that it just makes sense.
I have been think a lot lately about what God requires of me in this life, and how I can best live and love the way Jesus did. Sometimes, i think we Christians make it too hard. Jesus just did what He saw the Father doing and we are called to do the same. When I think about it in a practical sense, it makes perfect sense. Jesus loved his Father, loved people, challenged religious leaders, turned over a few tables, drank wine, discipled the future leaders of the church, taught, confronted sin, and the amazing thing is that He ALWAYS did it with love. ALWAYS! Think about this. Jesus, meets a prostitute at a well, and although He confronts her sin and challenges her to change, she leaves feeling more loved than she ever has in her life. This is what is missing, and it just makes sense, doesn't it?
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Motorcycle Mishap!
Since I can remember, I have wanted to ride a motorcycle. I am a fairly safe person. Not prone to danger or much risk taking, but the motorcycle has called my name as long as I can remember. Most think I am crazy, but my wife, being the insightful person that she is, knew that this was something I needed to try and she wanted me to know that I would have her blessing, as long as I took every opportunity to be as safe as possible. Well, a while back, I received as a gift from a friend, a certificate for the Central Coast Motorcycle Safety class. Cheryl surprised me for Father's Day by registering me for this class and arranging for me to be off work to take it.
The classroom portion was last Tuesday, and i passed that with flying colors. The bike training was this weekend and was a slightly different story. I caught on pretty quick, but remember, I am 32 years old and have NEVER been on a bike before. Most others in the class had several years of riding experience and were just taking the class to get the insurance credit. Well, I felt a bit rushed, and didn't have the time I needed to get really comfortable on the bike. Long story short, I made a critical mistake and could not control the effects of said mistake. The result was a minor crash that had be dragged across the parking lot for about 8 feet.
Well, the time that I actually did ride, I really enjoyed. The crash, not so much. It sure has given me a lot to think about. My pride really wants me to try again, and I just might. My practical brain is definitely wondering if the risk is worth it. As always, I love hearing your opinion. Until then, enjoy the aftermath.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Thursday Top Ten!
Last 10 books I have read (no particular order):
- 1776
- Blue Like Jazz
- Traveling Mercies
- Absolute Surrender
- Prayer: The Only Necessary Thing
- The Shack
- The Heavenly Man
- The Audacity of Hope
- To Own A Dragon: Reflections On Growing Up Without A Father
- Through Painted Deserts
10 Books that I would like to read before the end of the year:
- When Heaven invades Earth
- Good Morning Holy Spirit
- Liberty and Tyranny
- Finally Alive
- When I Don't Desire God: How To Fight For Joy
- Beyond Opinion: Living The Faith We Defend
- Jesus Among Other Gods
- What Bothers Me Most About Christianity: Honest Reflections Of An Open-Minded Christ Follower
- Pagan Christianity: Exploring The Roots Of Our Church Practices
- The Emperor Has No Clothes
What are you reading? What do you want to read? Tell me, I want to know!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Link Love Tuesday

Sunday, June 14, 2009
Stats Suck Sunday

- it is 5:57 and I have not looked at the score for game 5 of the Lakers series versus Orlando. I am recording it and making the ultimate sacrifice for my buddy Sammy, by waiting for him to get off work to watch it.
- Go Lakers!
- My coffee jingles on facebook have really caught on. Check them out every morning, on
- I love coffee now more than ever, and my fondness will not decrease
- Spent the weekend with my mom and sister and niece staying in mine and Cheryl's bedroom so that we could have yet another birthday party weekend for Aidan.
- The weekend previous, we got a bounce house for Aidan's first, fourth birthday party. Wow!
- Monday starts a 10 week program of exercise and eating changes that will hopefully result in the loss of 30 pounds in about 10 weeks. Go me!
- I do not like cats
- I am discovering the fact that my body really does enjoy water more than soda. What?
Enjoy what's left of your Sunday!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Thursday Top Ten!
1. Lord Of The Rings: Return of the King
2. Lord Of The Rings: Fellowship Of The Ring
3. Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers
4. 50 First Dates
5. The Matrix: Revolutions
6. The Princess Bride
7. X-Men (all of them)
8. The Score
9. Hitch
10. Save The Last Dance
Don't judge me, just tell me yours...
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Link Love Tuesday!

Sunday, June 7, 2009
let your light shine...

"Preach the gospel. And if necessary, use words." - St. Francis of Assisi
So, what if that verse in Matthew chapter 5, went a little different?
"In the same way, let your words speak before all men, that they may hear your condemnation and then glorify your Father who is in heaven."
Wouldn't really have the same impact would it? In fact it would be a disaster. Sometimes, I think that is how we as followers of Jesus (the Church) try to shine our lights. With our words. Let me just say this right now, that does not and will not work. Yes, we are called to preach the gospel, but that doesn't necessarily mean we have to talk. Sure there is a time for talking, but those times in my opinion are few and far between. Our light needs to be real love, real humility, real grace, real truth, real forgiveness, real family unity, and not just lip service and judgement.
When I think about it, it really doesn't surprise me any more that the church has become a joke. We condemn homosexuals, and then get found out to be one. We condemn abortion, but we kill in order to put an end to it. We cry foul when the government wants to take the ten commandments out of schools and courts, yet we lie, cheat, steal, commit adultery in our hearts, and never even blink an eye. Our inconsistency is wearisome to those on the outside looking in, and for my part, I have grown weary of this inconsistency in myself as well.
It makes no sense to me to talk about the gospel of Jesus Christ unless I am living it, and if I am truly living it, I have no time to talk. This is the greatest form of preaching we can do. May this be increasingly true of me.
"Here's another way to put it: You're here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We're going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. If I make you light-bearers, you don't think I'm going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I'm putting you on a light stand. Now that I've put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you'll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven." Matthew 5:14-16 The Message
Friday, June 5, 2009
Two hookers, a few fisherman, and a tax collector...
What do the above have in comon? Well, they are the ones that Jesus entrusted the gospel message to. The foundation of the early church. And now, the ball bounces with us.
Who says God doesn't have a sense of humor?
Thursday, June 4, 2009
The title is pretty self explanatory. Here are the top ten played songs on my ipod right now.
- Greatly To Be Praised - Brian and Jenn Johnson
- God Of This City - Chris Tomlin
- The Maker - Willie Nelson
- Hot N Cold - Katy Perry (Don't knock if you haven't tried it)
- Always On My Mind - Willie Nelson
- Love Or Gain - Lakes
- Resonate - Imago Dei
- Forgive and Forget - Street Choir
- Heartless - Kris Allen's version of the Kanye song
- Goodbye, Apathy - OneRepublic
What are your top 10 songs this week.....PLEASE tell me, I really wanna know.
Now, go get your music on!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Unity and Diversity...Can we have both?
So, I am sure most readers know by now that I am a Christian. Actually, I am trying to refer to myself now as a follower of Jesus rather than Christian, though, as a broad term to classify my beliefs, the word Christian works. I was having an online discussion with a man whom I respect, though we don't often share the same viewpoint. What we do have in common is our love for Jesus.
The conversation eventually cam around to this idea of diversity versus unity. His opinion is that although we are Christians, diversity in thought and action are necessary and important as a part of our community together. My viewpoint was that of unity over diversity. One God, one faith, one truth, etc. In the new testament, Paul exhorts the church to be of like mind, and intent on one purpose. I think Paul knew the danger of the enemy seeking to divide the church by convincing them that their can be a gray rather than just black and white. I know I am gonna catch some disagreement here, but here it is, I just don't see any gray in scripture or in the life of Jesus, and I see a call for unity and for advancement of the Kingdom of God on earth, never a call for diversity and varied opinion. Yes, I understand we are all different, but if the goal is the same, the path can't be that far apart. IF there is no gray in scripture, no luke warm, the unity can not be that far behind.
This post is actually several weeks in the making and over that time I have given some thought to this idea of unity and diversity, by applying it directly to God himself. God is both unity and diversity. He is God the Father and creator, He is God the son, and He is God the Holy Spirit. Each person of the trinity has a function different and separate from the other, yet they remain perfectly united and intent on the propose of God the Father. Perfectly diverse and perfectly united. I think the church is called to be the same.
My friend voted for President Obama, and I did not. We are diverse. The unity comes in our acknowledgement that we are not called to criticize, but to pray for "kings" and all those in authority. This is our unity. This unity will never happen as long as I spend valuable time bashing the President and slandering him over things I disagree with, and I refuse to do that, and I expect the same thing from fellow followers of Christ. Should we speak up and have a voice when we think things are wrong or immoral? Yes, but that must never take the place of prayer and unity of purpose. Is it OK to dislike Rush Limbaugh? Sure. He's not my favorite person. What happens though when we take our dislike and disagreement a step further by aligning our selves with groups titled "Tell Rush Limbaugh to Shut The Hell Up?" Really all this does is put us on the same level as the one we despise for justifiable reasons, and mutes our cause. Joining the madness will never bring solutions or peace or the Kingdom of God.
Followers of Jesus (read: The Church) need to find unity in our diversity and understand that God is very much single minded, very black and white, and extremely intent on one purpose and that makes it our intent as well.
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