Friday, August 28, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Setting The Record Straight...
Thursday, August 20, 2009

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Link Love Tuesday

Monday, August 17, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Thursday Top 10!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
A bit of history...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Thinking it through...
Well, it's been a while since my last blog. I have been extremely busy, but also, at a loss for w while now, of things to blog about. Recently I have been inspired, and hope to be blogging more in the recent future.
Several months ago, I stumbled across a blog called 'Stuff Christian Culture Likes' and it intrigued me. I have been by several times, and I have to say, most of the posts are fairly spot on, and some are humorous as well. All in all, it is one of my favorite blogs to visit, if for nothing else, just to see what's next. The latest post however didn't sit quite as well with me. Because I don't want you to hear my opinion without being able to form your own, you can read the most recent post here.
Now, there was nothing major that upset me, but I felt like more than in other posts, Christianity or Christian culture took a bit of an unfair beating and I would just like to express a few thoughts that I had. I would like to preface my thoughts by saying that I in no way feel that my opinion is flawless or without fault, it is however my opinion and I have spent some significant minutes formulating it through reading, research and thought. I would also like to say that I enjoy this particular blog and hold nothing against the author whatsoever. These are just thoughts, and I am as open to hearing yours as I hope you will be to hearing mine. Now, assuming you clicked the link above and read the post, I will continue.
The main thing I would like to express an issue with is the comment towards the beginning that says, ‘By and large, people in Christian culture also support the war in Iraq. The considerable loss of innocent life during war doesn't seem to strike them as any sort of inconsistency.’ The inconsistency being referred to is that of being anti-abortion, but being pro-war. The inference here is that by being anti-abortion, you are against “meaningless death” and if you are pro-war, you are somehow in support of meaningless death. There are many holes in this logic, some of which are obvious, and others that are no, but all of which I believe can be pointed out and shown to be just that. I am around Christians every day. I have liberal Christian friends as well as conservative Christian friends, and I love them all. I can honestly say, that I have never heard a single one say that they feel ‘OK’ about the death and tragedy that war brings. I also don’t know many that would actually say they are pro-war. Some may say they agreed with the reasoning behind the war, and personally, I would argue that point with them. Some would say they are pro-America, and if protecting our nation means we must go to war, then so be it. Again, I don’t know any that would say they are OK with the windfall that war inevitably brings and to say otherwise, I feel is a wrong judgment and gives and unfair slant to the entire post.
Stephanie is correct in saying that neither abortion nor war are very palatable topics. I also feel like ‘Christian culture’ could do a lot better at engaging those that have differing opinions from their own. The thing about Jesus is that He engaged everyone. He engaged the beggar, the blind man, the Pharisees, the lepers, the thieves, the drinkers, the fornicators, the prostitutes, and so on. Jesus engaged each one and their life was never the same after their encounter with Him. Jesus never once approved of wrong or sinful behavior, but He never once rejected a person no matter how sinful they were. This is how we need to be. We will always have differing opinions on things such as war and abortion, but it is imperative that we learn to listen and love one another and seek truth above all else.
There is so much more I could say, but I feel as though my thoughts are scattered enough that I will stop here. I would love to hear your thoughts…
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Link Love Tuesday!
Monday, July 13, 2009
How do you really feel?

Sunday, July 5, 2009
Stats Suck Sunday

- The 4th was awesome this year. Not only is it awesome for all the historical and patriotic reasons, but it's also the day my wife was born, which raises the awesome bar to a whole new level.
- Both my boys had random fevers this week with no other symptoms. Weird!
- I have fallen in love again with potato salad. It makes me happy.
- on June 28th, I began a lifestyle change revolving around eating and exercise. I just really want to eat better, exercise more, and be around as long as I can and be healthy. No fancy plan or diet. I count calories, watch what I eat, exercise, and that's pretty much it.
- Since June 28th, I have lost 6 pounds and lowered my body fat by 2 percent. Not a bad start eh?
- I have mixed emotions about the Lakers signing Ron Artest to a contract.
- I want to start playing my guitar more and writing songs again.
- I never really paid attention to how many calories are in beer. This makes me sad!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Thursday Top 10!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Jesus with skin on!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Because it makes sense!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Motorcycle Mishap!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Thursday Top Ten!
- 1776
- Blue Like Jazz
- Traveling Mercies
- Absolute Surrender
- Prayer: The Only Necessary Thing
- The Shack
- The Heavenly Man
- The Audacity of Hope
- To Own A Dragon: Reflections On Growing Up Without A Father
- Through Painted Deserts
- When Heaven invades Earth
- Good Morning Holy Spirit
- Liberty and Tyranny
- Finally Alive
- When I Don't Desire God: How To Fight For Joy
- Beyond Opinion: Living The Faith We Defend
- Jesus Among Other Gods
- What Bothers Me Most About Christianity: Honest Reflections Of An Open-Minded Christ Follower
- Pagan Christianity: Exploring The Roots Of Our Church Practices
- The Emperor Has No Clothes
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Link Love Tuesday

Sunday, June 14, 2009
Stats Suck Sunday

- it is 5:57 and I have not looked at the score for game 5 of the Lakers series versus Orlando. I am recording it and making the ultimate sacrifice for my buddy Sammy, by waiting for him to get off work to watch it.
- Go Lakers!
- My coffee jingles on facebook have really caught on. Check them out every morning, on
- I love coffee now more than ever, and my fondness will not decrease
- Spent the weekend with my mom and sister and niece staying in mine and Cheryl's bedroom so that we could have yet another birthday party weekend for Aidan.
- The weekend previous, we got a bounce house for Aidan's first, fourth birthday party. Wow!
- Monday starts a 10 week program of exercise and eating changes that will hopefully result in the loss of 30 pounds in about 10 weeks. Go me!
- I do not like cats
- I am discovering the fact that my body really does enjoy water more than soda. What?
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Thursday Top Ten!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Link Love Tuesday!

Sunday, June 7, 2009
let your light shine...

Friday, June 5, 2009
Two hookers, a few fisherman, and a tax collector...
Thursday, June 4, 2009
- Greatly To Be Praised - Brian and Jenn Johnson
- God Of This City - Chris Tomlin
- The Maker - Willie Nelson
- Hot N Cold - Katy Perry (Don't knock if you haven't tried it)
- Always On My Mind - Willie Nelson
- Love Or Gain - Lakes
- Resonate - Imago Dei
- Forgive and Forget - Street Choir
- Heartless - Kris Allen's version of the Kanye song
- Goodbye, Apathy - OneRepublic
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Unity and Diversity...Can we have both?
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Link Love Tuesday!

Sunday, May 24, 2009
God and American Idol!

Enjoy the video...
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
The Church, the State, Dobson, and the Supremecy of Jesus Christ!
- I am a follower of Jesus Christ
- I am a conservative republican who feels strongly about the mandate to pray for rulers and all those in authority
- I did not vote for President Obama nor do I agree with many of his positions politically or morally
- Irrespective of the above point, I will continue to support our President in prayer
- I appreciate James Dobson and hi organization and their commitment to protecting the institution of family
- Irrespective of the above point, I do not agree with fear tactics and political game playing as a resort for Christian leaders who are supposed to be an example to a lost world.
- I do not support historical revisionism and feel that it is extremely damaging to our culture and to who we are as a nation and a people
Thursday, May 7, 2009
About Me...Part Deux
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Link Love Tuesday
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Stats Suck Sunday

If you don't know why, click here! Here it is in bullet points...
- Totally stoked that the NBA playoffs are in full swing and that the Lakers are geared up for Houston in the second round
- Spent time praying the Brody would see the error of his ways and realize the amazing freedom found in being a Laker fan.
- I watched Chuck Liddell's last fight a couple weeks ago, and for some reason I can't stop myself from wanting him to fight one more time.
- Watched the Tigger and Pooh musical with Aidan and Owyn this afternoon after grocery shopping. Fell asleep and then was awakened by tigger's bouncing.
- I continue to be totally amazed by the amount of food my 1-1/2 year old consumes.
- Just checked the NBA site and saw that Denver beat Dallas. I will pretty much root for anyone playing against a team from Texas or Sacramento, unless it's Boston. Crazy, I know!
- Geared up for a busy and shorthanded week as my co-worker lounges in Maui. The business starts tomorrow with a Venti Bold Roast!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Just a thought...

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Link Love Tuesday!

Thursday, April 23, 2009
What I do all day!
This is my world people. Now, go get your toilet on!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Earth Day: The creation and the uncreated one!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Link Love Tuesday!

Now go get your Tuesday on!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Link Love Tuesday!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Stats Suck Sunday!

- another rough week with the kiddos. Cheryl took the brunt, and we are gearing up for another long week. Thank God for His grace!
- Ate Chinese food twice this week
- I love Chinese food
- Easter was awesome with my Dad and stepmom, stepsister and all the kiddos.
- I finally realized what happens when a 3 year old eats too much chocolate. This is why we do not allow it...Yikes
- Stoked to find out that tons of other men use a special shower sponge thing and that it's not just me.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
On Repeat...
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Truth Defined

Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Link Love Tuesday!

Sunday, April 5, 2009
Stats Suck Sunday...

- Last week was insanely busy and every day I thanked God for the blessing of work.
- I noticed Owyn being a ton more interactive and vocal this week.
- The Lakers lost 2 games in a row this week which had me on the verge of tears.
- My sister Courtney celebrated her 31st Birthday
- I am excited at how close we are coming to potentially being homeowners, and am waiting for God's direction on when to pursue our first home purchase.
- On Friday night I went over and worked with my cousin to fix the dent that I put in my car by running into our fence whilst pulling into the driveway.
- Dent and door are almost fully fixed
- Today, Cheryl and I left Owyn with the Grandparents, and we took Aidan out on a date. We ate at IHOP, went to Gottschalks and found that their CLEARANCE sale is really a sham (20% off regular prices is not clearance), drove to the Pismo Outlets and ran into our friend Jill, went back to SLO, bought a couple things at Old Navy and then took Aidan to the pet store to purchase his first pet. Itroducing...(drumroll)...Kitty the Fish!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Link Love Tuesday!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Thursday, March 26, 2009
A little about me

So, I realized lately that there are some readers of my blog, that I have never actually met. Some I have just networked with through other blogs or through facebook or other such means. I know you can't tell from all the comments people leave, but I discovered recently through a tracking tool that there are a few more readers than I originally thought. After realizing that, I thought it may be worthwhile to just give a little info about myself. This bio will come in several parts and probably not all back to back, but over time, they will give a little insight into the world of Will McCabe, for those that don't know me personally.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Billboard chart topper...
Monday, March 23, 2009
Driving in China!
(1) Among drivers, a driver should:
a. deliberately underestimate each other
b. race for “vehicle hero”
c. learn from each other to make up each other’s deficiencies, help each other and drive safely
(2) When driving and wanting to spit, the driver can:
a. spit to the road through the window of the vehicle
b. spit to the waste paper taken with him or her and stop to throw it onto the dustbin
c. spit to the carpeting
(3) When driving a vehicle in summer, the driver:
a. can wear slippers
b. is not allowed to wear slippers for wearing slippers is neither polite nor safe
c. can wear any shoes as he or she likes
(4) If there is an open wound in the waist such as intestine coming out, you should:
a. restore it
b. not treat it
c. not treat it, but use a bowl or pot to cover it and dress it with cloth strips externally
(5) When driving through the concave-convex transverse road, the driver should shift to the lower gear in advance and _____________ relying on the inertia force:
a. let two front wheels steadily fall into the bottom of the ditch and then speed up to drive up the ditch
b. sway the steering wheel leftward and rightward to drive down and up the ditch and then speed up to drive
c. drive down and up the ditch and then speed up to drive
(6) During his or her driving, the driver:
a. can smoke
b. can smoke in small amount when he or she feels spiritually fatigue
c. is not allowed to smoke
(7) When driving at night in summer, the driver should pay attention to the ________ who are enjoying the cool on either side, road embankment and bridge and carefully prevent injuring anybody.
a. vehicles
b. relaxing persons
c. stuff
(8) If there is a bicycle rider clinging to the motor vehicle, the motor vehicle driver then should:
a. speed up to get rid of him or her
b. stop at once
c. stop steadily
(9) When having a dispute with others, a driver should:
a. fling abuses
b. patiently offer an explanation and not bring any negative mood to driving
c. drive in a fit of pique
(10) When driving through the section of road where tooting is not forbidden, the driver should:
b. increase the volume of tooting
c. try to toot as less as possible not to affect the routine of others
Once, when I was a rock star...